Posts Tagged 'Npk T-shirt'

Aspley Adventure.

It was yet again another weekend and with it, another adventure! We had lost our favourite Polishman to Poland đŸ‡”đŸ‡± for this week, Kezza was on holiday đŸ–ïž and Jack was working, no Adam either, so instead we gained in the form of Chris. I was so stressed though! Stormi didn’t reply and Finn & Jallen were maybes, but didn’t show when it was time as with each Sunday! I’m glad I wasn’t out yesterday with it being a rain day and with today perfect for jumps, it made little sense why very few wanted to be out with the night and day difference!

Due to being so hyped for Sunday’s, I found it extremely hard to get to bed to until 2am the night before and not sleeping until three! I mean I was disappointed at first I woke, as it had rained then dried up but was predicted to be warm and sunny later! But it being wet had bummed me out. I met David and Chris at the Parkour Park. Chris had bailed before I arrived and fell on his back from slipping! The grass was wet, as was the park floor ugh! It had rained hours ago though and should’ve dried by now.

We drove to Aspley. At first glance after popping to shop it didn’t look great! But a video of the day was still created as seen above! But then I saw a run, vaulting up over a railing, then a possible Tic Tac Precision making the day not a total loss! It was tiring doing the moves, more so filming them! There was lots of big body draining movements! Like David was struggling to flow but was doing a massive running precision over thirteen foot, seen below and when filming it, he was going even further than he first thought! I was scared if my foot slipping off the railing. That or missing it entirely!

Continue reading ‘Aspley Adventure.’

Filming Part Two.

It wasn’t until I was home and knuckling down with the edit from the day that I realised I had a total of 65 clips! I expected much of that may be of a singular person or various takes of a movement, maybe eight per person. As Patryk was kind enough to point out it might be of only ‘rubbish’ failing! Much to his credit, he was wrong as much of my footage was all different clips, my only disappointment, like with any filming project I do, was the lack of self footage I had NOT acquired

I will admit there was a fair bit of Patryk in the clips, multiple clips of him failing, messing up and a fair amount of David too, overall more than the rest of us. Once all clips were inserted on to the sequence it came to around to the eighteen minute mark, wowzers and that didn’t include last weeks! That was a lot of clips to sieve through to pick the best, edit down and so forth. I did in time manage to get it down to thirteen minutes, which wasn’t as low as I would have liked or expected!

I did want a sort of intro for the video, like I had done for previous days. (1) (2) plus I didn’t want it long! The multi angle shots I merged together, didn’t quite work as well as I had liked. The same went for the shot where we passed around the camera between each other as we did movements. That concept loo Kurd bc and felt brilliant. I do feel cutting all the shots together did work, nicely though, at least to me. As you can see below to judge!

Day’s Edit!

For me, the biggest part was trying to get singular shots in there of everybody equally, along with some multi angled ones and making sure each person had enough or the same air time as one another! I know one day I spent near four hours just zoning out at the screen. Editors block, unable to really create anything and proceed any further! Thankfully Ash the impeccable came up with a tune for the video which worked and then I began to edit again!

Continue reading ‘Filming Part Two.’

Npk – Creating Movement t-shirt.

This is the thirteenth Nottingham Parkour [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] t-shirt to be created. I hadn’t realised how much time had passed since the last Jumpin’ one was created, which was back in 2012. I wanted to have a new t-shirt design, something fresh now I was back out training after a few nightmare years of being unable to. I also wanted something with more of a general apparel to it and what better way, than to create something summery. At least that was the concept for this next shirt, I had no idea how I would portray that on a design though. So it was to be a long and slow process over the next few months of creating it.

I had the blueprints for the Npk letters on the left, which I had used within the slant design, as well as using it on the corner of recent Nottingham Parkour videos. I have always enjoyed the simplicity of that logo. So I started from there with the design, creating a mirror of the letters, keeping them slanted and finally added a slight boarder too. Then I created the block white and the tag line ‘creating movement’. Then I added the three lines above the NPK. The rest of the design came together very slowly, lots of experimenting with things, doing a bit, then coming back to it at a later date. There was lots of having the design open on Photoshop and just staring endlessly at the screen with not much being altered, wondering if I would ever be happy and finish it.


Creating Movement Design.


Now, obviously the buildings were a given to represent Parkour, like many t-shirts have these days. You may notice they aren’t Nottingham’s skyline, which I would have used if they was half decent like other countries out there. What else could I use that represents Nottingham famously instead? The plant vines and general shrubbery added a nice feel to the design and then allowed me to start to add other things like other summer-eske things; rain clouds, the moon, birds, butterflies, drinks, palm trees and all the other small fiddly details. I always liked the idea of a heartbeat rhythm line as an idea to represent something which changes as we train due to adrenaline, fear etc. However, the original heartbeat didn’t fit with the design, so I turned it upside down looked and worked better. There are some four leaf clovers in the design too, meaning we make our own luck.

Believe it or not the tic tac cat silhouette came near the end of designing, when I felt it needed a Parkour movement to be thrown in there to give it the pk stamp on the design. The PokĂ©ball was an extra and last minute thing due to PokĂ©monGO being so popular this year. I think this t-shirt is pretty complex in many ways, not as bad as the Roadkill design as that had lots of fiddly bits in it. But, in the sense of it being well thought out and having lots to the acctual design in look and meaning. I’m really pleased with how it looks in person after being printed, more than I was expecting and I hope in time it will become a new community favourite. Below are some images of the design on a navy, purple and azure blue t-shirt.



Npk – Jumpin’ t-shirt.

This is the twelfth Nottingham Parkour [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] t-shirt to be made. The latest addition to the Npk clothing line called Jumpin’. A very simplistic design with just the word on the front of the t-shirt with an apostrophe at the end for the added effect to the word. It’s not so much showing people what Parkour is or even advertising our logo and website, but more stating something we do a lot while out training. Which so happens to be jumping.


Jumpin’ Design.


So there really wasn’t too much of a design process to this, it’s clean and effective and for that reason it’s one of my more favourite designs for that reason. When I first got it printed, I felt maybe it was too simple, but once it was being worn it was great to see in images. I know over the future years there have been other t-shirts out there with simple words on them, the Reach, Escape t-shirts then there was some with words of vaults on them too. I think it might have started to be a trend…



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