Posts Tagged 'David'

Aspley Adventure.

It was yet again another weekend and with it, another adventure! We had lost our favourite Polishman to Poland 🇵🇱 for this week, Kezza was on holiday 🏖️ and Jack was working, no Adam either, so instead we gained in the form of Chris. I was so stressed though! Stormi didn’t reply and Finn & Jallen were maybes, but didn’t show when it was time as with each Sunday! I’m glad I wasn’t out yesterday with it being a rain day and with today perfect for jumps, it made little sense why very few wanted to be out with the night and day difference!

Due to being so hyped for Sunday’s, I found it extremely hard to get to bed to until 2am the night before and not sleeping until three! I mean I was disappointed at first I woke, as it had rained then dried up but was predicted to be warm and sunny later! But it being wet had bummed me out. I met David and Chris at the Parkour Park. Chris had bailed before I arrived and fell on his back from slipping! The grass was wet, as was the park floor ugh! It had rained hours ago though and should’ve dried by now.

We drove to Aspley. At first glance after popping to shop it didn’t look great! But a video of the day was still created as seen above! But then I saw a run, vaulting up over a railing, then a possible Tic Tac Precision making the day not a total loss! It was tiring doing the moves, more so filming them! There was lots of big body draining movements! Like David was struggling to flow but was doing a massive running precision over thirteen foot, seen below and when filming it, he was going even further than he first thought! I was scared if my foot slipping off the railing. That or missing it entirely!

Continue reading ‘Aspley Adventure.’

Schools Out.


It was a Sunday and with it a Parkour park training session. Set at the earlier time of 12pm. We always seemed to congregate from half past two onwards, well usually… There didn’t seem to be much interest for the session initially, apart from David, Patryk and myself. What with the success of our last training session [1] and with it, a video being produced too! I guess we were still on the high of wanting to do something similar this weekend. Adam’s plans had fallen through and so now he was out, Ben too! Everyone was running late in the end, so much for an earlier start to the session…

Patryk had forgotten buses were a Sunday service today, which meant they were one an hour and so he was going to get to us as and when he could! Adam had popped to Tesco first, so was going to be late too. I decided to arrive later as well, while David went at the earlier time to warm up. There were some kids tricking when I arrived, doing gainers and whatnot. It is always strange as they were really good at flips and yet couldn’t precision very far at all. But that is a debate within the Parkour culture of practitioners today. Learning all those sick flips and moves before they can do basic fundamental Parkour ones…


Parkour Hotspot.


Once everyone was accounted for we drove to a school I had seen in Bestwood that looked good for training on. Adam went back to the park after dropping us off, due to leaving his hoodie. Patryk and David looked at a big standing precision jump at the front. David got the jump first, which I was shocked about. I couldn’t commit to it, it looked horrible, felt horrible! It was just out of my comfort zone, but I did manage to get it in the end. David also did it as a running precision too, which I felt was even worse to do compared to standing.

It was funny as we trained. The people that passed by, just stared at us, like it was something they had never seen before. Often the case when you train in the suburbs or places that aren’t directly within Nottingham city centre. It brings you back to the early days of training when it felt like that no matter where you were or what you were doing. The school was fenced off and I felt a bit uneasy about climbing over that to gain access… Patryk had already gone over to check out the area and while me and David jumped about in the front of the area. Patryk then let us in through the gate that had a button on the inside.


Patryk – Portrait.


We were fine once inside, no hassle or people telling us off oddly. Even though all the houses around it, looked directly into the area. Man, I cannot tell you how awesome the place was for Parkour! So many wooden benches, ranging in distance and heights! I had to Facebook an image to show what the others that didn’t come out to train any other day than a Saturday what they were missing out on! It instantly got attention with people saying they would go next time we went, which they so wouldn’t… That or they would want to go on a Saturday when it was still open!

Continue reading ‘Schools Out.’

Kong Precisions, Play Parks & Crumbling Walls.


Some weekends like I have mentioned before, I forget to note the events of training, either from getting in late, putting it off until later and/or forgetting. That or for some reason it doesn’t save, which is likely what happened to this one. Annoying, but on VERY rare cases it does happen. When I come back to it down the line, I find it hard to remember what had happened with it being months later. That along with the lack of images, doesn’t help me recount events either. I know this weekend was due to be a warm one, Luke and Ryan were out again. Damo, Phil and even Webster of all people too?! Though he has said that in previous weeks…

I can’t remember too well how the training session started, I’m pretty sure the plan was to do different spots and in the end we decided to go back to Portland park. That and surrounding areas for a day of jumping and then down to Forest to end the day. I got my camera out when we were at the spot up from Portland. I captured some images of Jack and David doing a high kong precision! Like seriously, the railing was so high to vault, never mind the distance for the kong precision too! Running along the loose gravel as well was a huge put off. I did a kong precision, which people disliked compared as it was low and you had to run along a thin wall first.


David – Kong Precision.


It reminded me of an old RAW video [1] I filmed years ago. In which I did a lower kong precision running along a wall and jumping over the rail to precision the wall the other side as well. There were lots of crazy rock precisions standing and running being done too. Everyone was drilling the running upward precision from a rock and then doing a precision back down and across multiple ones. Ryan bailed on one of the running rock precisions, landing as an ankle breaker. Props to him for doing it again right after though and sticking it too. There was some competitive standing and running jumping from the wooden planks.

Continue reading ‘Kong Precisions, Play Parks & Crumbling Walls.’

Armour, Slow Motion & New Spot Found.


I arrived into town at the later time of 12.45pm, due to everyone else being lazy SOB’s who arrive closer to one, an ever occurring theme. So I was rather taken back when I saw masses ready and waiting at Plaza! We made our way to the library spot near the university, but after a couple of jumps we were moved on by a nice security guard. The funniest banter was when someone asked if ÂŁ5 would persuade him to turn a blind eye and let us carry on training? With that sadly not being an option, it was over to the University spot and hope we wouldn’t be moved on by the same security and that we would be out view from surveillance. I know Adam had wanted to jam there immensely and as of yet, he wasn’t even out!

Lots of jumping, space for us to be spread out, people progressing and so far, not being kicked off. Many of the wooden benches now wobbled as you landed on them. Some swayed more than others, I bet it won’t be long until they fall off completely or have to be replaced. We had a random encounter with a photographer who wanted to take some images of some of us, which is fine and you get that ever so often whilst training in a group. Later she revealed that she had some homemade armour which she wanted people to wear while jumping, if that was possible? Diogo was game for the challenge, donning the armour (as shown below) and posing alike. Looking like a low budget version of the 300! Reece also did a few movements and flips while wearing it as well.


Diogo – Portrait.


David did a big concrete to concrete standing precision, since when was he able to do such a big jump?! Usually people did it standing from the bench, but to increase the distance you could step back to the concrete making it more a ten foot jump. I looked at it and it felt massive, though when I jumped for it, you felt the delay while you flew in the air. It was strange as each time I looked, I couldn’t for the life of me see it as a jump I could make. Nico was doing a running precision into box jump to the bench. For such a small guy it was a big jump for him and nice to see him progressing in recent months Parkour wise. I cringed when David tried, because both his heels slipped off the take off wall and he nearly broke himself. Diogo had a similar experience when he was doing a big ass running precision too!

Then we sadly got moved on again, dammit it seemed to be a reoccurring pattern today. Adam was just arriving, but he was too late to train the uni spot now and he was gutted about that fact. A few had popped off to the shops before the next location. We had a small stop near the blue railings around the corner, doing a few vaults and a tic tac precision off a tree to a wall. It reminded me of times gone by [2] and the tic tac precision off the tree felt easier than it has ever done. I guess all the training and refinement goes a long way, compared to when it felt like a real stretch in the past to get! Some of the others used the grass to flip around, chat and eat whilst waiting for the others to get back from the shops before all moving up to flats together.


Zade – Tic Tac Precision.


We slowly moved around the corner, to a upwards corner precision jump which still haunts me, each and every time I come to it. I just couldn’t do it upwards off the bat and it made me very angry and sad at the same time. Yet, others all seemed to do it quite easily, seriously?! I don’t get why t eludes me, the foot placement and slantwise never looks nice. There was a small kong precision to a hydrant concrete post, which looked cool to do but it didn’t half make a thud against the house when people landed on it. I thought it was best if people didn’t practice that, or the tic tac off the same wall either as it might get us moved off or reported. Gio did the corner precision as a diving kong downwards… This guy!

Continue reading ‘Armour, Slow Motion & New Spot Found.’

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