Posts Tagged 'campus'

Jubilee Campus Adventure.

It was predicted to be a sunny and even humid weekend, after the prelude of soaring temperatures during the week. Finally the weather seemed like it was going to bloom with warmer days from here on in, were we getting an early Summer?! Sadly, James wasn’t going to be out this weekend due to being away for his birthday surprise in Brighton of all places. I say this as he would maybe get a cheeky Parkour session down there at a gym or see the Storror guys out and about, which would be cool to have on his Birthday. This weekend may be my last, if my daughter is born on her due date as well. So I had to make the most of it and squeeze a good session in.

Knowing that James was away, and not to sound like a terrible human being, but usually you can guarantee the weather would be top notch. If past events are anything to go by. On a second note, with it being predicted to be good weather. Many wanted to venture to fresher pastures. So it was to be an adventure day, unintentionally with James being away. The plan was to go to the Jubilee Campus, after seeing it featured in a local Parkour video [1] and checking it out via Google Maps too. It would be a break from the norm city centre session and a good adventure for the ones out for it.


Yaz – 180 Catleap


I don’t know how or why I had missed that as an area to train at for all these years! After all, I had visited Lenton [2] and on other occasions the QMC area [3] [4] which was just a little further up the road. I think with it being the old Raleigh complex and it being brought by the University of Nottingham in the 2000s we hadn’t really ventured there, not to mention it was almost hidden unless you had been through there. I remember Zain mentioning it and that it few things there years ago. Either way, it looked better than I had imagined and it had everyone excited about visiting the location now…

I woke up at six, then eight and finally got up just before ten. Twelve seemed so far away yet. That was the time I wanted to meet up this week, due to others being so lax arriving often at one, two and beyond. If we did the same today, we wouldn’t be making the adventure until gone past two o’clock! I was wondering who would turn up, it seemed like quite a few were up for the session, but would have to see once I arrived. One thing was for sure, I wasn’t going to wait for people that were late! So it was a nice change to arrive at Plaza right on time, as the clock tower chimed.


Adam – Running Precision.


The only people left to arrive were Tom and Reece, who had already informed us they were nearly there. I didn’t mind that as a wait, it wasn’t long before they arrived and then we all decided to take the long walk to the Jubilee campus. It took around fifteen minutes to get there, quicker than expected and with a pit stop at a Sainsbury’s on the way for supplies too. As with most University’s there likely wouldn’t have a shop for miles. The first spot we came to had lots of cuboids to jump between. The water feature was currently off and drained, providing kong precisions to the cubes too.

Continue reading ‘Jubilee Campus Adventure.’

QMC, Nottm Uni and Highfields.




I woke up today feeling drained, outside was gray and overcast as if it was to throw it down with heavy rain at any given moment. From seeing this I decided that I wouldn’t be training today and instead stay home and dry, away from the onslaught of rain which was sure to ensue. Yaz came online and asked if the jam was still on? I told him it looked like rain and I wasn’t feeling going out, that and no one else was online yet to confirm. I was still in two minds whether to go out if everyone else was up for it still. Yaz agreed we should leave it and then logged off to go and mow his lawn, it began to rain and that confirmed the day was only set to get worse. Denis popped up on Facebook chat asking if I was ready to train. I explained I wasn’t planning to be out now and neither was Yaz who was now busy, not to mention Stefano had not even confirmed he was out as of yet. With this said, a disheartened Denis said we have a few hours yet until our meet up time for the weather and people to chance their minds. He assured me it’s not  predicted to rain today, even though I had felt and could see the rain from my window!

Further more he said even if it does rain, it won’t rain for that long and we can still train, maybe not at the QMC area because once the grass there is wet it stays wet even with the slightest bit of moisture so we should just train in town instead. It was later in the day and Stefano had come online, asking if the jam was still on? I told him yes as the weather had brightened up, the sun now shining had given me a change of heart about coming out after all. I text Abdur at 12.30 with the time and place we were meeting to see if he was free to train, even though we were meeting at 13.30 and I had text him rather late. Yaz came back online and I told him lets just go out and train, see what happens and I’ll see him there, with that he headed off to get ready. I was about to leave when Denis told me that he was now coming into town and that we should just train there instead, so wait for him to arrive and not go straight to QMC once we had met.

I arrived at the meet up point to find Yaz as always to be the first one there waiting. I told him that Denis was now on about training town instead and that we need to wait for him to arrive. Yaz was slightly confused and said that is not what he had told him on Facebook chat before he left. So what is Denis on about as he told him we were still going QMC and he would see him there and then left to get ready. Abdur was next to arrive, I was unsure whether he was going to attend due to my late notice and so it was a surprise to see him turning up and on time! Denis was late as always, no change there then! We spoke about what to do training wise and that QMC was on the agenda. Denis said he didn’t want to go if it was going to rain as then it will be a rubbish, wasted day.

We waited on Stefano who hadn’t shown up yet and time was getting on. It was ten to two and Yaz said ‘forget him, lets just go already? We had a meet up time, if people can’t arrive on time then they get left behind, plain and simple!’ Little did we know he had cancelled and posted on our Facebook wall, but we had all left by that time to see the post. As we started to walk to Tesco’s, we bumped into Billy who had just came off a bus and was heading home. It was the second time this week we had bumped into him while being out. Denis asked that we would definitely be at QMC? As he had to get a Trent Barton bus while the rest of us had to get a city council one, once Abdur had been to Tesco’s and so Denis set off. The queue in Tesco’s was massive and this put Yaz off going to get anything from there, while Abdur still went in for supplies, once he was out we all hopped on a 35 bus and made our way to reunite with the Bulgarian Moaner.


Yaz – 180 Catleap.


We got off the bus and embraced with Denis, before walking through the subway to our first area of training. Denis was already moaning about the area, as this subway’s gap was ‘tiny’ and ‘rubbish’ and has nothing to do! We left him in his sulking state and the other guys got accustomed to the area and did a few precisions at various heights along the subway, I tried to forget about the distance and focused more on getting a nice images of the jumps. I took a few shots of Yaz doing cat to cats between the subway, experimenting with different angles. One of which was one of my favourite image of the day and can be seen below. The funniest thing by far of the day, was watching Yaz walk along the walls at height feeling scared of the drop. Continue reading ‘QMC, Nottm Uni and Highfields.’

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